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Steaks from reindeer tenderloin

Steaks from reindeer tenderloin

Preparation time 1h


2 portions

Valmistusaika 30 minuuttia


  • 1 Lapin Liha reindeer tenderloin approx. 300 g
    salt and black pepper from a mill
    25 g of butter
    2 tbsp canola oil
    2 cloves of garlic
    a sprig of fresh thyme


Take the meat out to room temperature an hour before cooking. Cut the meat into three pieces, season with salt and pepper on the surface. Heat the pan to quite hot (on a scale of 1–9, use 7) and pour a couple of tablespoons of canola oil and a proper knob of butter into the pan. Let the butter come to a boil and wait until the sizzling stops and the butter quiets down. Put the meat in the pan and reduce the heat slightly. Throw a clove of garlic and some thyme into the pan. Fry the meats for a couple of minutes, basting the steaks with the tasty juices during cooking. Remove the meats from the pan. Enjoy!

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