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Reindeer topside steaks

Reindeer topside steaks

Preparation time 1h


8 portions



1 Lapin Liha reindeer topside (approx. 800 g)
4 tbsp rapeseed oil
45 g butter
Half a fresh chili, finely chopped

The world’s easiest red wine sauce

1 dl red wine
A large dollop of butter
1 shallot, thinly sliced
A sprig of fresh rosemary


Preparation of reindeer topside
When handling the roast, you’ll notice one part that you can detach by hand. Tear it off. This is your first steak. Cut the rest of the roast into steaks. Depending on your preference, you can either get 8 thin steaks or 6 thicker ones. Add rapeseed oil and 45 g of butter to the pan, let the butter sizzle up and wait until the sizzling stops and the butter quiets down. Add the chopped chilies to the pan. Place the meat in the pan and reduce the heat slightly, fry for just about a minute on each side. Remove the steaks from the pan and make the sauce.

Sauce Preparation
Add red wine and a dollop of butter to the remaining juices in the pan, along with the thin onions and rosemary. Simmer for a short while and serve with the steaks.

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