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Reindeer tacos with full cabbage and kale salad and chanterelle mayonnaise

Reindeer tacos with full cabbage and kale salad and chanterelle mayonnaise

Preparation time 30min


4 portions



  • 400 g Lapin Liha’s sautéed reindeer
    1 tbsp paprika powder
    1 tbsp dried thyme
    0.5 tbsp cayenne pepper
    0.5 tbsp cumin
    3 dl water
    oil for frying
  • Chanterelle Mayonnaise
  • 2 dl mayonnaise
    3 juniper berries
    2 tbsp dried chanterelles
  • Red Cabbage and Kale Salad
  • 4 kale leaves
    250 g red cabbage
    ½ silver onion
    ½ bunch of parsley
    1 carrot
    1 tbsp white wine vinegar
    1 tbsp olive oil
  • Additionally
  • tortilla wraps


Chanterelle Mayonnaise

Finely chop the juniper berries and dried chanterelles. Mix into the mayonnaise and season with salt and pepper. Put the mayonnaise in the refrigerator to marinate until serving.

Red and Kale Salad

Cut the kale (remove the woody stem) and red cabbage into thin strips. Peel, halve, and thinly slice the onion. Chop the parsley. Peel the carrot and use a peeler to make long carrot ribbons.

Mix the kales, onion, parsley, and carrot in a bowl. Add vinegar and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Mix well and knead the ingredients by hand together so that the cabbage softens slightly.

Sautéed Reindeer

Brown the sautéed reindeer in oil in a frying pan. Add all the spices and sauté for a few minutes. Pour in the water and simmer until the water has almost completely reduced.

Assemble the reindeer sauté, cabbage salad, and chanterelle mayonnaise inside a tortilla wrap and serve!

Discover our delicious meat products.

  • Sautéed reindeer 400 g
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  • Reindeer bones with meat

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