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Fresh pea soup with crispy reindeer crumble and herb oil

Fresh pea soup with crispy reindeer crumble and herb oil

Preparation time 1h


4 portions

Crème Ninon is a French fresh pea soup. Try a slightly finer version of this pease pudding and finish it with crispy reindeer crumble and herb oil. The crispy reindeer crumble is the “salt” of this dish, so make sure to have plenty of it!



  • 500 g frozen peas
    2 shallots
    1 clove of garlic
    1 large floury potato
    1 tbsp rapeseed or sunflower oil
    2 dl vegetable broth (e.g. water + vegetable stock cube)
    1 dl dry sparkling wine
    1 dl whipping cream
    150 g sour crea
    white pepper
  • Crispy reindeer crumble
  • 150 g Lapin Liha’s cold-smoked reindeer meat crumble
    80 g pecan nuts

  • Herb oil
  • 2 dl olive oil
    a bunch of basil
    a bunch of wild arugula
    1 tsp salt


Herb Oil

You can prepare the herb oil in advance so that it has time to infuse peacefully. Place the herb leaves into a tall-sided container, such as an immersion blender cup. Add salt and oil. Puree until smooth using an immersion blender, for example.

Pea Soup

Chop the onions. Peel and chop the potato. Sauté the onions in the bottom of the soup pot, add the chopped potatoes, vegetable stock, a pinch of salt, and white pepper. Simmer until the potato is almost cooked. Add the frozen peas and sparkling wine. Let it boil until the peas have softened. Meanwhile, whip the cream into a loose foam. Puree the soup until smooth using an immersion or high-speed blender. Gently mix in half of the crème fraîche and the whipped cream. Taste and add salt and pepper if necessary.

Crispy Reindeer Crumble

Crush the nuts and toast them for a moment in a dry pan. Transfer the nuts from the pan to a serving bowl. Add half of the reindeer meat crumble to the dry pan. Toast for a few minutes until crispy, but be careful not to burn them. Transfer the finished crumble to the serving bowl and toast the rest of the reindeer crumble until crispy. Mix the toasted nuts and reindeer crumble together.

Top each serving with a dollop of crème fraîche and crispy reindeer crumble. Finish with a drizzle of herb oil.

Discover our delicious meat products.

  • Cold-smoked reindeer crumble 150g
  • Reindeer entrecôte
  • Reindeer box 1/2
  • Cold-smoked reindeer steak 100 g

Get inspired by our receipes.

  • Pasta Bolognese with red deer meat
  • Cold smoked reindeer-cloudberry paste
  • Game burger, root vegetable slaw, lemon-pickled red onions, and roasted root vegetables
  • Red deer crumble filling
for baked potato or bread