Reindeer sirloin

Reindeer sirloin

Reindeer sirloin is extremely tender and delicious, with a mild gamey flavor. It’s perfect for frying or grilling.

approx. 400g


Lapin Liha’s reindeer sirloin is available fresh or frozen depending on the season. Fresh reindeer meat is a seasonal product available from November to December. Our frozen products can be found in stores throughout the year. Reindeer sirloin is also available with skin off.

Origin of the meat

Depending on the availability of reindeer meat, from  Finland (FI) or Sweden (SE). See the abbreviation in the context of the date.

Discover our delicious meat products.

  • Reindeer entrecôte
  • Reindeer topside
  • Reindeer terderloin
  • Cold-smoked reindeer roast, 
half piece

Get inspired by our receipes.

  • Creamy reindeer stroganoff
  • Roasted sourdough bread and crispy cold-smoked 
reindeer crumble
  • Cold-smoked reindeer soup
  • Fresh pea soup with crispy reindeer crumble and herb oil