Lapin Liha´s Reindeer grain sausage is Finland´s best grain sausage of 2024.
Lapin Liha´s Reindeer grain sausage is Finland´s best grain sausage of 2024.

The Academic Sauna Society has chosen Lapin Liha’s reindeer groat sausage as the best groat sausage of 2024.
Finland’s most respected sausage authority, the Academic Sauna Society (AKS), has once again ranked the best sausages of the year.
The best sausages were selected in seven different categories, which included not only grill sausages but also raw sausages, meat sausages, frankfurters, specialty sausages, bratwursts, and groat sausages. In the tasting, in addition to the sausage’s taste, the texture, binding of the mass, and crispness of the skin are evaluated. In the blind test, the maximum score is 100, and the points are distributed based on taste, appearance, and price-quality ratio. Lapin Liha’s reindeer groat sausage was chosen as Finland’s best in the groat sausage category, scoring 87 points.
The Academic Sauna Society has been tasting sausages since 1991. During this tasting season (1.9.2023–31.8.2024), a total of 107 sausages from 9 different countries were evaluated in 18 sessions, of which 72 were new products made in Finland.